
I work with creative innovation, typically in connection with environmentally acceptable construction and joining. One of my specialist areas is providing advice on construction using glue and adhesives. My customers range from the electronics industry and apparatus constructors to power plants and the construction industry.

My largest project to date:

Development of the composite material Perform, which can replace lead for roof flashings. The assignment was given to me by Exhausto A/S through Technology Partnership. I succeeded in obtaining financial support from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency for 2½ years and received valuable advice from ( Technology Partnership's expert network. T) the network group of experts consists of Exhausto A/S, COWI A/S, the Danish Environmental Agency and myself.

The Danish Technological Institute's department for invention and creativity was charged with the task of contacting potential producers. As a result two entrepreneurs, Anders Kjær Jørgensen and Jess Robert, formed the company Robert & Kjær to manufacture Perform.

Having developed the production facilities, Perform A/S successfully manufactures and markets Perform.

Perform, at the workshop (3 min.)

Perform at a conference (1 min.)

Poul-Ernst Meier
Poul-E Meier ApS

Business/tax registration number: 26 66 88 08